Specializations within General Education Foundation
HI 211. Western Civilization: Earliest Times to 1700 (3 hours)
HI 212. Western Civilization: 1700 to Present (3 hours)
HUM 101. 艺术鉴赏和一门文学概论课程或HUM 103. The Humanities: Ancient to Medieval AND HUM 104. The Humanities: Renaissance to Twentieth Century (3 hours)
Communications (9 hours)
ENG 151. Introduction to College Composition (3 hours)
ENG 152. Intermediate College Composition (3 hours)
COM 200. Introduction to Speech Communication (3 hours)
Humanities/Fine Arts (6 hours)
HUM 103. The Humanities: Ancient to Medieval AND HUM 104. The Humanities: Renaissance to Twentieth Century OR HUM 101. Appreciation of the Arts OR HUM. 102. Applied Humanities OR WA 101. Visual Art Appreciation OR any ensemble, any applied music course by audition, MT 100, MU 330, MU 201, MU 303 (3 hours) AND ENG 221. Survey of World Literature OR ENG 222. Survey of American Literature I OR ENG 226. Survey of American Literature II OR ENG 223. Survey of British Literature I OR ENG 227. Survey of British Literature II OR ENG 224. Survey of Christian Literature (3 hours)
Mathematics (3 hours)
MA 130. 商业数学或同等或更高(根据专业)(3小时)
History (6 hours)
HI 211. Western Civilization: Earliest Times to 1700 AND HI 212. Western Civilization: 1700 to Present OR HI 223. 美国历史:探索重建的时代和HI 224. American History: Reconstruction to Present OR MH 403. Music History and Literature: Antiquity to Baroque AND MH 404. 音乐史与文学:古典到二十世纪(根据专业)(6学时)
Science (3 hours)
SCI 201. Introduction to Biological Science OR
SCI 202. Introduction to Earth Science OR
SCI 203. Physical Science OR
SCI 204 Introduction to Chemistry
Psychology (3 hours)
PSY 201. General Psychology (3 hours)
Technology (3 hours)
IT 202. Information Technology Applications OR
EDU 2040. Information Technology for Educators OR
MU 202. Basic Technology for Worship Ministry OR
MUE 360. 音乐课堂技术:K-12(根据专业)(3小时)
TOTAL......................................................33 SEM/HOURS